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Dear Sensitive Soul

Dear Sensitive Soul,

What you are longing for is longing for you.

I see you. I understand you. I am here for you.

You feel like you don’t always belong in this world, a sensitive soul in a harsh world.

Caught between wanting to fit in, being connected and unwilling to compromise your uniqueness, no more adapting.

You are looking for a way to be wholly yourself.

A way to express what you really want to say.

A way to express who you really are.

You see injustices in this world and know they could be better if everyone cherished life and nature as much as you do.

Injustices upset you. Judgements upset you. People judging people.

Others judging you. Is there something wrong with you?

You want to brush it off. Not care what other people think.

Feel happy and comfortable in your own skin, in your own head.

You know there is more to life than what meets the eye. You know in your heart that magic exists, you know you are manifesting every day and want to do that consciously.

You want to make a difference in this world by being yourself. The status quo doesn’t suit you so well.

Let the world adapt to you.

You are holding back. You feel smaller than you truly are.

People treat you in ways that do not reflect how you treat them.

You take things to heart and doubt yourself.

“Are they right? Am I wrong? Is there something wrong with me?”

It takes an age to recover from set backs, other people’s negativity.

Who has your back? Who is always there for you?

Do you feel supported? Understood? Seen and accepted as yourself?

You may have enough, but you want more and that is okay.

You are allowed to want more.

More love, more connection, more joy. There is more out there. More than this.

It is longing for you.

You are a deep feeler, a deep thinker. You feel the pains of the world in your bones. It can get heavy.

Superficiality gets tiring, draining, caustic even.

Where are those deep conversations you crave?

Those deep connections with your fellow human beings.

They are longing for you.

Where are those who are rooted in positivity, prioritising joy because

they know that is the key to life.

Joy is the key to life.

Finding things that bring joy and adding more and more of that to life.

Where are the friendships rooted in mutual care? Where are the jobs, rooted in mutual care?

They are longing for you.

Dear Sensitive Soul,

I see you.

I want you to recognise and value your own worth. I want you to acknowledge yourself for all that you are and all that you do.

For surviving as a sensitive soul in this harsh world.

Acknowledge the things you love about your life right now.

Acknowledge the things you love about yourself right now but you never get to share.

I want you to be happy as your authentic self, express your wishes and get what you really want.

I want you to ignore the judgements you pick up from others around you because you know your own awesomeness and you don’t need approval.

You innately know.

I want you to live the life you really want. I do. You are awesome and a true delight for everyone around you.

People like to be near you because of the way you make them feel, with your open heart and your endless compassion.

You deserve the best life has to offer.

Awesome things. Amazing things. Beautiful things. Comfort. Joy. Pleasure.

Let’s connect in your own way.

Your way is the right way.

I know you crave that inner peace and that deeper connection.

You might be looking for it outside of you. It’s not there.

It is inside of you.

Don’t be afraid to look inside for the answers, for the awesomeness. Look inside, listen to yourself, trust what you see, what you find, what you hear, inside.

Your body knows.

Your instincts, your intuition will guide you

to the right places,

to the right people,

to the right things

that will bring you inner peace and that deeper connection.

Be still and you will know (thank you Glennon Doyle).

Listen for the whispers that are saying “not this!” (Thank you Martha Beck).

Correct your course and ask again.

Keep going. Do it again. You’ll find your way.

Need some help? Let me know.

I see you. I understand you. I am here for you.

What you are longing for is longing for you.

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